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Pace Physio Pilates was created by a physiotherapist (Anne Stone) to empower women in the maternity journey through evidence-based exercises to prevent common injuries caused by pregnancy that could be avoided if you have the right professional guidance.

What is the problem?

The client had everything ready to start the business: budget, content prepared to be record and developers ready to start. However, we wanted to further investigate: Was that what the target wanted to see? How do they feel about this service? In a nutshell: How make fledging business think through some tough questions?

How can we help?

But first an MVP. We recommended the goal shouldn't be an UI project but an MVP. We wanted to deep dive into business constraints, asking questions, evaluate and understand the audience in order to create MVP, before client make any substantial investments. 

The power of thinking small

Understanding business goals

Advocate, inspire and educate women to empower them to prevent injuries before or during the pregnancy journey.

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splitting up into 2 stages

A tight deadline of ten days to cover everything was a constraint for us, so we approached the work on two parallel tracks:

  • 1st - Testing this service and get early feedback from people in different groups (planning pregnancy, pregnant and mom for a while).

  • 2nd - Survey to find out the target, feelings towards concerns, physical exercises and motivation. 

1- Test service early

The first MVP idea consisted of a subscription service, beginning with a 1:1 consultation to determine which digital content to provide to the client. A follow-up consult would reassess the client and get feedback on how effective the content was and which content they want: Is it being delivered in the way they want? What else do they need?


We tested with 5 users.


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Sample exercise page

Link to Cliniko

But it is never that simple...

User insights

“Would like physio contact from start to end.”

“Specifically designed for me, but after our first


“If someone is going to a physio, they would expect it to be tailored via an assessment...something face to face.”

2- Survey

Data collected from 22 respondents.

68% of women have a concern about pregnancy, with 18% related to miscarriage alone.
"The unknown of what to expect as a first time mother, this includes baby movements, what to eat."
63% consider physiotherapists are the highest scored for what would motivate them for doing exercises.
"It's very important to keep fit before and after a long as it's at a level that one's health allows with supervision."
55% has a positive attitude towards exercises. However, 27% consider not able to do so.
"I have exercised during all pregnancy. It made me feel mentally and physically better." 

Taking baby steps


Besides considering physiotherapists as trusted advisors and the positive attitude towards exercises, pregnancy brings all sorts of concerns and physical limitations. And in line with the research, client data has shown that most of her patients only seek treatment when they are in critical conditions to relieve pain, which in general is when they are in 3rd Trimester, so Anne has a availability constraint.

The idea is that via introducing the MVP concept, client would be able to make simple changes and quick validation to identify how can we demystify and give more confidence to these women and prioritize prevention in early stages.


Most of Pace's patients

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New strategy:

Women planning pregnancy or at an early stage will find value in Physio backed pilates exercise videos designed to prevent injury, targeted to their term without the need for an initial consultation.

Testing hypothesis

Landing page through a targeted survey, this audience can validate if women planning or in early pregnancy is more likely to seek out or prefer video exercise plans without a consult. In exchange for completing the survey, people would get a free content video.

But also find out:

  • What a client considers "tailored" or customised to them

  • What types of content do clients prefer?

  • What type of messaging appeals the most?

  • An opportunity to learn what’s the best approach to encourage them to exercise.

First version

Latest version

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Resumed message, more objective

and clarity about service.

Changed the CTA wording to reflect the goal.

Still providing a Cliniko link for booking consultations.

Next steps

  • Launch MVP, to validate target audience, get information to have a better guidance to build the content and have measurements from her audience.

  • After validating the target audience, invest in relationships with potential partners, such as IVF clinics, GP's, midwives, and doulas.

  • Raise awareness through social media.

  • Further application of a platform to provide this service using Wix, for example.

What I learned

Test early as possible​

Test earlier our assumptions, hypothesis and design were a good way to measure people's needs and feelings towards this new product. This strategy also unlocked different paths to quick test a second hypothesis, aligned with the client to be feasible for both sides.  

My client also was "a user"

Anne had everything on her mind planned to start this business, but the main takeaway from this project was to understand deeper what was feasible to her and find out with her the sweet spot to make this happen, so we had to push a big step back and focus on the early stages. As UX Designers, we have responsibility for the impact in our design decisions.


Be mindful to structure a survey and analyse what you want a turn in the compulsory answer because pregnancy involves many feelings and concerns and past experiences that some women don't feel comfortable sharing.


10 days sprint


2 UX Designers


UX/UI designer involved in user interviews, competitive analysis, usability testing and prototype.

  • Survey

  • Business Analysis

  • Competitive Analysis

  • Sketching

  • Wireframing

  • Prototyping

  • Usability Testing

  • Pen and Paper

  • Figma


Thank you for your time!

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I would love to hearing back from you!

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